National Radio Interview
January 10, 2014
Olivia Wix interviewed us at the house in late-2013 about Zero Energy and the high-level costs of the house.
Listen to the interview here.
Design Guide
December 16, 2013
The 2014 Design Guide revisits the ZEH following the 2013 feature piece, to see how the house is performing. More information here.
Auckland Council Design Manual
September 30, 2013
ZEH featured as one of the residential case studies in Auckland Council's Design Manual, which aims to encourage building homes that are built to last, sustainable, and give the best return on investment. View here.
David Shearer follow-up
August 17, 2012
David Shearer recently hosted us for a follow-up interview on his radio show. We discussed the house project, planning policies we've had to work with, and New Zealand's solar potential.
Listen to the interview here.
Builders & Contractors Mag
July 23, 2012
Article detailing solar's role in the house, and including comments from Labour Party leader David Shearer.
Click here to read.
TV3 Bill Dunster interview
July 8, 2012
Bill Dunster, a pioneer of Zero Energy in the UK, was recently in New Zealand. He visited the house and was interviewed for a piece on 3 News.
Click here to watch the clip.
TV3 Firstline feature
July 5, 2012
The house was featured on TV3's Firstline show. It's a good, short summary of the key messages behind the project.
Click here to watch the clip.
bFM David Shearer interview
July 3, 2012
bFM's Sustainable Simon interviewed Labour Party leader David Shearer about the house and why he sees the project as so important to the future of construction in New Zealand.
Click here to listen to the interview.
Idealog article
July 2, 2012
Idealog covered the launch of the C21 roof-integrated solar photovoltaic tiles with a feature on the project.
Click here to read the article.
Scoop press release
June 29, 2012
Scoop published the SolarCity press release of the C21 launch. On site for the launch were Labour Party leader David Shearer and Pure Advantage Trustee Stephen Tindall.
Click here to read the article.
Close Up feature
June 29, 2012
The house was featured on Close Up in late June. We think they captured the idea of short-term investment versus long-term energy costs really well.
Click here to view the clip.
NZ Herald Element feature
June 25, 2012
The NZ Herald insert Element Magazine published a full page feature on the project. It's another good summary of the key points behind why we've chosen to build the Zero Energy House.
Click here to read the article.
Harbour News front page
June 15, 2012
Harbour News profiled the project with a full front page article, including comments from Auckland Council about how they are looking at the house in relation to the Unitary Plan.
Click here to read the article.
Roots Before Branches blog
May 19, 2012
Matt Fordham of Roots Before Branches, who are running the website & comms side of the project, wrote a summary article explaining the concepts behind the house.
Click here to read it.
David Shearer's radio show
November 9, 2011
We were interviewed on David Shearer's radio show in late-2011 about the Zero Energy House project. David is our local MP and continues to show an interest in our progress.
Listen to the interview here.
Howick Pakuranga Times
June 25, 2010
Our first media coverage, way back in mid-2010 when the project was still very much in the design phase.
Click here to view a scanned copy.