
Use the form on the right to send us a message.

We've received a number of enquiries from people who are looking for help with their own projects and we're thinking of ways in which we can offer that help.

If you have a project you'd like to discuss please let us know what stage of concept or design you're at, when you hope to start build, and where your house will be built.

If you have a media enquiry please click here to view previous coverage, media packs, and a contact form to get in touch with the comms team. 

The ZEH team. 


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Performance . Energy

The first year's results are in.

The solar roof generated
double the energy used,
easily achieving Zero Energy

Good design, energy efficiency and
selling surplus electricity led to
net energy income of $360

With a standard PV system on a
home with this energy profile
PV pays for itself from year one

Net zero energy

Learn about net zero energy

Generation and consumption

Learn about the energy generation