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PV roof and latest

Shay Brazier

Over the last couple of weeks I have been continuing my research into how we will integrate the photovoltaic (PV) system into the roof. Internationally there are many PV products that double as a roofing material, in NZ however there is only one that I know of. It uses amorphous silicon, which due to the lower efficiencies will not allow us to fit enough on the roof to generate the sufficient energy to meet our energy requirements over the year.

I have summarised some of the thinking so far on PV on a new page in the systems section. The image below shows the areas of the north roof that will be occupied by solar water heating panels and PV modules. The chart summaries the expected energy usage over the year and how this corresponds to the energy generation from the solar PV.


Proposed solar array layout as of 25/05/2010


Energy use and generation for the home showing net energy by month and cumulative energy over one year

Other areas of the design that we have been working on over the last couple of weeks are:

  • Heat recover ventilation systems
  • Rain water and grey water systems
  • Roofing materials
    • Refined energy simulation modelling for modified window sizes